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What should I do on the day of surgery?

Your anesthesiologist will call you in advance of your procedure to evaluate your medical history and explain the anesthetic plan and provide instruction regarding any medications you are currently taking. Any additional information needed will be requested from your other doctors in the days and weeks prior to your appointment. You must follow the fasting guideline below very strictly or your procedure may be postponed. On the day of the procedure please wear long pants, a tee shirt and a sweatshirt. In general it is very rare for a patient to urinate while under anesthesia, however If you are having a procedure of greater than two hours duration you may consider wearing an adult diaper.

Fasting Rules

Food Example HRS
Clear Liquid Water, Apple Juice, Soda, Popsicles, Kool-aid 3
Milk Cow, Formula 6
Food Toast, Cereal, Orange Juice 6
Meal Meat, Eggs, French Fries, Fatty Foods, Proteins 8

How will I go to sleep?

For most adult patients, an IV is placed along with routine monitors. After these are both accomplished you are given medicine in the IV and you will rapidly go off to sleep. Depending on the patient and the procedure, a breathing tube or a laryngeal mask airway may be placed to assist with breathing, and you will have no memory of this device. Patients who will not be able to accept an IV before going off to sleep, can breathe themselves to sleep with a mask. This is sometimes possible to accomplish with a single breath.  The IV can then be placed after you are completely asleep.  All patients will have blood pressure, oxygen saturation, continuous electrocardiogram (ECG) inspiratory and expiratory gases monitored throughout the procedure.

What should I expect after surgery?

Depending on the length of your procedure, you will typically be ready to go home 30-60 minutes after the procedure ends. You may still feel groggy, but our goal is to have you awake enough so that you can safely walk with minimal assistance inside of your home. Depending on the procedure, you may have swelling and soreness. We will have given you your first dose of medications to reduce swelling and pain, and your dentist surgeon will provide additional medications as necessary.

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