Our anesthesiologists will work with you and your patients to design an anesthetic plan that will be both safe and provide the optimal surgical environment for treatment. Whether the plan is moderate sedation, general anesthesia with an open airway, a laryngeal mask airway or an endotracheal tube, we are experts with all of these techniques, have done thousands of cases and are comfortable in any environment.
If this is your first time to consider using the service of an anesthesiologist, we will take out the time to visit your office in advance of the date of the procedure. We typically spend time orienting your staff to what we do and our expectations on how they can assist us for our part of the procedure. BAMA will deliver high a touch personalized personalized service. This starts with you choosing which of our doctors will work at your practice. Our experienced anesthesiologists will work with you and and they will make sure all of your patients are getting the attention they are expecting and deserve. This will start with a call by the anesthesiologist who will interview the patient and explain the anesthetic process. They will make all necessary contact with private medical doctors to assure that your patient is optimized for their procedure in advance and they will provide their cell phone number to the patient so that the patient has further access to ask questions. On the day of the procedure they will meet the patient preoperatively for a final interview, provide safe and compassionate anesthetic care and fully recover each patient.
We also have our own internal standard protocols for various emergency situations that we will share with you and your team and we can assist you with preparing your office to handle medical emergencies that may happen chair side, or in your waiting room. We also offer ongoing hands-on supervised instruction in airway management and IV placement.
If you are a part of a large Dental Service Organization (DSO) and you are looking to scale up your utilization of anesthesia service with a more predictable and reliable group, we are has deep experience with organized corporate healthcare, large organization leadership, and political action committees. We are keenly aware of the current changes in the California State legislature and the direction that anesthesia regulations are headed in the dental world.
BAMA has successfully set up dental sedation centers and several of our doctors have assisted with licensing of third party certified surgery centers. Our doctors will be engaged in the entire perioperative process, from pre-operative evaluation and clearance, through intraoperative management to patient discharge. Our physicians can medically clear certain patients when that is specifically required by some insurance companies.
After many decades of experience in the highly regulated environment of hospital medicine we have a significant understanding of the importance of procedures and protocols for compliance and quality review. These both will most likely become more routine in dental practices.
Our group leadership has decades of success in establishing new service lines, improvement in operational efficiency and patient through put as well as creating more predictable scheduling. We are confident that BAMA will have a positive impact on your practice, and we look forward to working with you!
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